Monday 18 February 2013

Cats and Dogs sleeping together? BlackBerry Z10 can tether with an iPad!

Yes, it's true.  You can mix and match devices to accomplish tethering via Bluetooth.

I have confirmed that a BlackBerry 10 will provide Wi-Fi to an iPad.  Unfortunately the iPhone is not as forgiving and will not support tethering to a BlackBerry Playbook via Bluetooth. 

Below is a condensed set of steps to tether between the BlackBerry Z10 and the iPad 3rd generation.

Below is the iPad with no Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth on.  There are a no connected devices.

Turn on the Bluetooth and Internet Tethering on you BB Z10.

On your iPad the BlackBerry device should show as available and then you tap on the name of the BlackBerry phone. 

You will now see a message appear on your BlackBerry phone.

Then a second message for security.

Now returing to your iPad.  You will see that it is connected.
As I stated earlier, unfortunately the reverse is currently not true.  An iPhone cannot tether with a BlackBerry Playbook, not too surprizing given Apple's current dominance in the market.

Sunday 10 February 2013

12 Steps to tether your iPhone to you iPad

Why should we tether? Because it's easy, fun, and it will help you realize the full potential of all those tablets and phones.

Tethering is a massively useful tool which if your cell phone carrier allow it, will make your interaction with your tablet/laptop and your phone more useful than you ever imagined. If you are out and about in a location that does not have Wi-Fi and you haven't purchased a rocket stick for your laptop or a SIM card for your tablet then you need to learn how to tether.

Tethering is the process of linking your phone to your tablet or laptop so that you can use your phones 3G/4G network to connect to the internet. Both devices, phone and tablet or laptop work best with Bluetooth but it can also be accomplished via USB connection.

Here is my 12 step process of tethering an apple iPhone 4s to a mini iPad.

Step 1- iPad
Above is our starting screen for settings this is on the mini iPad but tethering should work on the iPad 2 iPad 3rdgeneration or iPad 4th generation or iPad mini. Keep in mind that tethering your iPhone to your iPad may be restricted by your cell phone carrier so if you follow these steps and the process doesn’t work I would follow up with your cell phone carrier to ensure they allow their phones to act as a Wi-Fi hotspot or allow tethering to other devices.

Step 2- iPad

Select Bluetooth on your iPad and turn it on.
Step 3- iPhone

On your iPhone open settings.

Step 4- iPhone

Select General.

Step 5- iPhone

Select Cellular.

Step 6- iPhone
Scroll down (notice Enable 3g is at the top of the screen).

Step 7- iPhone

Select Personal hotspot. Remember it is possible that your cell phone carrier will not support this function and additional usage charges may apply. Contact your cell phone carrier for more details.

Step 8- iPhone

Turn on Personal Hotspot.

Step 9- iPad
Tap on <User's Name> iPhone.

Step 10- iPad
Now both devices will show the same message as long as the codes i.e. “123456”match. Then you can hit the pair button on both the iPhone and iPad.
Step 11- iPhone

Tap on "Pair" for both the iPhone and iPad

Step 12- iPad

Note the red arrow pointing to upper left hand corner indicating the link between iPad and iPhone, in addition to the iPhone listed as connected under devices in the right hand column.
The phone banner will read as shown below:

BlackBerry Z10 to BlackBerry PlayBook- Bluetooth tether

So here we are, the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone is out and here is the equivelent 12 step procees to tether your BB Z10 to your BB PlayBook. It is not too disimilar so not to worry.

Step 1- PlayBook

Select settings from gear icon in upper right hand corner. From there select Bluetooth.

Step 2- PlayBook

Turn Bluetooth Connectivity "On". Turn Discoverable "On".

Step 3- PlayBook

You will need to enter your password to enable "Bluetooth Discoverable Mode".

Step 4 - BB Z10

Select Settings Gear Icon on BB Z10.

Step 5- BB Z10

Select Network Connections.

Step 6- BB Z10

Turn on Bluetooth setting. Turn on Discoverable setting.

Step 7- BB Z10

Once again you will need to type in your Security code to enable this function.

Step 8- PlayBook

Tap on Add New Device.

Step- 9 PlayBook

You will see the pinwheel progress icon and it will search for any new devices. Your phone should appear.

Step- 10 Playbook

Compare this number to the one reported on you BBZ10.

Step 11- BB Z10

If this number matches then tap yes on each device.

Step 12-BB Z10 and Playbook confirmation